The future
of learning.
The future
of learning.
When it comes to online education, Williamsburg Learning provides some of the most comprehensive and flexible content for parents looking for innovative ways to educate their children in this modern era. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have helped redefine the way we look at virtual learning.

The challenge
Williamsburg Learning needed to communicate how their online learning curriculum could substantially benefit parents and students looking for a more flexible alternative to traditional education. They were specifically interested in highlighting how their program and products differ from the traditional homeschooling structure and how adaptable they are to different living scenarios.
Establishing the
right audience.
We focused on providing a visual exploration of the unique lifestyles that Williamsburg Learning is designed to support. To do this, we worked with Williamsburg Learning to explore the different audiences that would specifically benefit from their program in order to ensure ads would land with their intended audiences.
Maximizing reach
with impact.
We then amplified the impact of each campaign by incorporating a diversity of both student age and the extracurricular activities they were interested or involved in. Additionally, we intentionally targeted the concerns that many parents and students often have to establish a sense of community surrounding Williamsburg Learning.

The outcome
Actually® delivered a series of three ads designed around the needs of several identified target audiences. Each ad was accompanied by several cutdown versions that are currently being run across all major social media platforms. These ads are also being distributed as part of various campaigns to increase product and brand exposure.